United’s Reclamation Benefits:
- Provides Producer pathways to tap into value n product that is recovered and sold.
- All material bought and shipped as an off-spec product on a BOL.
- Asset downtimes are greatly reduced – all material is shipped offsite for processing/separation.
- Low Safety Risk – all processing is done offsite.
- Solids and liquid residuals disposed of at E&P disposal facility.
- Much lower equipment rental costs.
The current solution for handling higher solid/water crude oil is less than ideal.
Valuable Crude Is Sent With The Entrained Water / Solids To The SWD For Disposal.
The Producer:
- PAYS for transportation of material from drilling site to disposal site.
- PAYS for disposal of liquids at the salt water disposal well.
- PAYS for disposal of solids at the disposal site.
The SWD:
- Recovers the valuable crude before disposing of the water.
- Simple gravity separation is commonly used. Much of the oil is still sent downhole.